"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

My photo
I am a wife of 21 years (almost 22) to Don, and we have two sons and one cocker spaniel (Daisy). Dylan is 19 years old and attends WVU in pursuit of a Chemical Engineering Degree. Matthew is a Junior at BHS, plays ice hockey constantly and has big dreams of becoming a doctor someday. My greatest joy is spending time with them all, which this class is really putting a damper on.

Monday, November 21, 2011

NAEP State Comparisons

Today's assignment required students to go to the NAEP site and report on state comparisons for eighth grade math scores for 2011.   Once some choices were made and the spreadsheet of chosen information was then downloaded to Excel.  The spreadsheet of information consisted of Math, 8th grade, 2011, and gender.

I then summarized the state math scale scores related to West Virginia.  Out of 51 states including the District of Columbia (DC), West Virginia (WV) ranks 46th in their overall student math scale score among eighth grade public schools samples with an average scale score of 273.26. Forty-five states had an average higher than WV with the highest math scale score recorded by Massachusetts (MA; 298.51). Four states (Louisiana, California, Mississippi, and Alabama) and DC had overall math scores lower than that of WV. West Virginia scored nearly ten points lower than the highest average score.  A scatter plot was created using Excel to show the states' average scores.  Here is my paper.

A paired sample t-test assuming equal variances was conducted to compare the average math scale scores for eighth grade boys and girls. There was no significant difference in the average math scale scores for males (M=283.91, SD = 7.85) and females (M=283.06, SD = 7.48); t (100) = 0.56, p = 0.29.  A table was created to show results.  See the following table.
NAEP stands for National Assessment of Educational Process.  They regularly give tests in the core subjects at grades 4, 8, and 12.  Other subject areas may vary.  It's the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of America's students in various subject areas.   NCES is the National Center for Education Statistics.  They collect and analyze data related to education.  It's a great resource for Professionals in the field of education.  It allows them to obtain information to learn where their state stands in regards to different subject areas.

The ISTE NETS T  standard that best relates to this assignment is number five: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership.  This assignment allows a professional to evaluate and reflect of current research and use digital tools to support student learning . 


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sign up for a YouTube Account

Today's assignment was to sign up for a YouTube account.  I went to YouTube and clicked on "Create Account."  The next step was to enter current email address and choose a password.  The next section required me to enter my birth date, verify a word, and accept terms of service.  At this point, I received a message that I already had an account.

This assignment was actually due one date after the assignment in which I had to appropriate a video from YouTube.   Since I already had an account, I simply chose a username for the YouTube account and I went ahead and explored YouTube videos and downloaded a video to my computer.    My username is connieepp.  You can view my video there.

The ISTE NETS T standard that relates to this assignment is number three.  This would be a great way to demonstrate fluency in technology  systems while also providing students with relevant information in a fun way.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Appropriate a Video

Today's assignment required students to find a video on YouTube, download it, then upload it back to YouTube.  I explored YouTube and found a cute Thanksgiving video which is a "turkey" version of the M.C. Hammer song, Can't Touch This.  My video title is Can't Stuff This.   Once I found the video I downloaded it to RealPlayer and converted it to FLV format.  Then I went to YouTube and tried to upload my video.  This is where it got a little confusing.  I had to open a YouTube account (which I did and will explain in the next blog post) before I could complete the upload.  To complete the assignment, I went back to YouTube and clicked on the "upload" button.  Then I simply obtained the video from my video file, and dragged and dropped it in the "select files from computer" box.  See image for clarity.
  Then I filled in the title of the video, description, tags, and some other information.  Once uploaded, I received a URL address to view my video.

The ISTE NETS T standard that relates to this assignment are number two and three.  For number two, teachers could develop a technology-enriched learning environment in which videos on a specific topic could be uploaded for students to view.  This would allow for a good variety and allow for different learning styles.  And what a cool activity for students.  For number three, this assignment demonstrates fluency in technology systems and might allow teachers to share relevant information IN A FUN WAY.

 Now you can check out my cute video.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Action Research Report - APA Format

The current assignment required students to create a document in APA format to summarize the "Methodology" and "Results" sections of an action research paper using data gathered during an online course.   Students were asked to complete a survey in which data was gathered and placed in a spreadsheet.  Research questions were developed and t-tests were used to compare data of equal variance to determine if there was a significant difference with a value rejection level set at P=<0.05.

First step was to get familiar with the APA format.  One thing that I learned was that there are different levels of "Headings" when using APA format (similar to an outline).  See the following image for clarity.

The next step was to decide on research questions.  I decided to use research questions that I developed for an earlier assignment.  T-tests were conducted (again and again and again) and then I was ready to write.

The assignment consisted of three sections; Methods, Results, and References.  The "Method" section of the paper discussed how the data was collected and who the participants were.  In discussing participants information was given on how many individuals, gender, teaching status, age, and browsers used.  This section also answered how the data was analyzed (Excel).   In the "Results" section, the research questions were restated and the data analysis was given in text.  Tables were then included as a visual for the analysis.   The "References" section included any references used in writing the paper.  The final draft of the research paper was then uploaded as a Google doc.  The only issue is that some of the format was lost in the translation.

The ISTE NETS T standard that relates to this assignment is number five.  The assignment allows us to evaluate and reflect on current research using a digital tool.  Being able to conduct, analyze and report research is a great asset for teachers.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hypothesis Testing

T-Tests have proven to be a pain.  I thought I had it down pat, but ultimately realized that I was sadly mistaken.  Using Internet Explorer as my Browser made it impossible for me to view any video via screencast.  To fix the problem, I had to download a new Browser (Firefox), go back and view all of the videos, and redo the last assignment.   I am hopeful that I have it now.  View my new results below: