"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

My photo
I am a wife of 21 years (almost 22) to Don, and we have two sons and one cocker spaniel (Daisy). Dylan is 19 years old and attends WVU in pursuit of a Chemical Engineering Degree. Matthew is a Junior at BHS, plays ice hockey constantly and has big dreams of becoming a doctor someday. My greatest joy is spending time with them all, which this class is really putting a damper on.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


When I first saw today's assignment, which was to create a review using Jeopardy, I almost had a heart attack.  I have tried time and again to create one without success.  To my good fortune, the activity sheet sent me to JeopardyLabs.  The first thing that I noticed was "This is... not PowerPoint!"  Thank God!  This site allows you to create a Jeorpady game in a matter of an hour or so.  I clicked the link for Jeorpady on the activity sheet, clicked start building, and created a password. 

Once there, I simply clicked on the "point value" and typed in my question and answer.  The thing that I like the most about this program is the ability to save and continue creating later when necessary.

I chose to create a review for a second grade reading unit, which I plan to use this Thursday to review for their weekly exams.  The topics used are: Spelling, Grammar, Phonics, Vocabulary, and Amazing Words.  These are many of things that are discussed throughout the week.  

The ISTE NETS T standards that relates to Jeopardy is number two: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments.  To create a Jeopardy review teachers must customize and personalize learning activities and skills that have already been covered with instruction.  And what a great formative assessment!  Teachers can observe students and reteach when needed.

I wish all of our assignments were this simple.  Believe me, I was worried until I got involved in the assignment and learned that it was NOT a PowerPoint.  Been there, done that (unsuccessfully).

Give my review a try at JeopardyLabs.

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