"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

My photo
I am a wife of 21 years (almost 22) to Don, and we have two sons and one cocker spaniel (Daisy). Dylan is 19 years old and attends WVU in pursuit of a Chemical Engineering Degree. Matthew is a Junior at BHS, plays ice hockey constantly and has big dreams of becoming a doctor someday. My greatest joy is spending time with them all, which this class is really putting a damper on.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Media Ecology Case Study

Final draft at long last.


  1. Thanks. It is amazing to watch young folks with that type of technology. My very active 6 year old nephew will calm down and sit and play a game on his IPad. It works like a snake charmer when he's out of control! That may not be the intended use, but it can help create balance. That's what I found to be very prevalent with the subject of your case study. It seems to me that her parents are determined to try to find the right mix for her!

  2. Interesting case study. I hope more parents will understand the importance of limiting and restricting the amount of time their child uses technology. I liked the fact that she liked to play math games and learn new things.
