"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

My photo
I am a wife of 21 years (almost 22) to Don, and we have two sons and one cocker spaniel (Daisy). Dylan is 19 years old and attends WVU in pursuit of a Chemical Engineering Degree. Matthew is a Junior at BHS, plays ice hockey constantly and has big dreams of becoming a doctor someday. My greatest joy is spending time with them all, which this class is really putting a damper on.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Excel Basics

First, let me say, I HATE EXCEL.  I have had one class back in my second semester of undergraduate school that included the components of Office.  Even more, the Excel part just lasted about two weeks in which we had to follow a tutorial.  That being said, this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  The assignment for this class was to explore with some of Excel's tools and functions and to replace our text values into numerical values.

After importing the information given by the professor, I used the "replace" tool to change my text values.  I clicked the "replace" tool under "Edit" and filled in the information and clicked replace all.  I then explored the "sort" feature.  I highlighted the column that I wanted to sort and clicked "sort" under "Data."  At that point, I chose ascending and then descending to change their positions.  I then explored by sorting one category, then another simultaneously.

The last part of the assignment was to average the number of Blog posts and compare my number of posts to the average.  To do this, I highlighted the box directly under the last number.  I clicked the arrow to the right of the function symbol.  Shown here.  I scrolled down, clicked "Average," and pressed enter.  The average of blog posts appeared below the column.  The average of blog posts are 15.4483 (15).  My number of posts is 15, so I am on average.

My text values were changed as follows:
Male 1, Female 2
Teaching 1, Not teaching 2
ENFG 1, ENFJ 2, ESFJ 3, ESFP 4, ESTJ 5, ESTP 6, IIFS 7, INFJ 8, INFP 9, INTJ 10, ISFJ 11, ISFP 12, ISFP ISFJ 13, ISTJ 14
Chrome 1, Firefox 2, Internet Explorer 3, Safari 4 

 The ISTE NETS T standards that relate to this assignment are numbers three and five.  Using Excel is a great way evaluate and reflect on research and professional practice.  Excel enables teachers to analyze date, evaluate students, and use the information to support learning.

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